Monday, July 20, 2009


Everyone is searching for answers. Answers for marriage problems, economic problems, political problems, family problems, psychological problems, emotional problems, attitude problems... All looking. And every answer that comes up seem to be the right one, but one by one they all fall through. Why? Because they are skin deep.

I see things a little differently. And the place where I have found the answer to all my problems is the last place people want to look.


My friend was telling me about how she was having a hard time coping with the debris left by a broken relationship. She was searching for strength in herself and always found herself coming up short. All I could think of was Jesus.

In my last class of they day the kids started discussing the ever-increasing percent of divorce rates in this county. The teacher asked if they thought there should be more restrictions to get divorced or married. They all had their own opinions and ideas but every solution had a serious flaw. They had a hard time finding the middle ground that everyone could agree to. All I could think of was Jesus.

"'Well- be it foolish or not- when I touch this Robe [a symbol for the spirit of Christ] it- it does something to me,' stammered Demetrius. 'If I am tired, it rests me. If I am dejected, it revives my spirit. If I am rebellious over my slavery, it reconciles me. I suppose that is because- when I handle his Robe- I remember his strength- and courage." pg 131-132 The Robe


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